Parenting 101

how did I survive raising boys?

Parenting 101

In a house full of testosterone, I am seriously out numbered.  These are the tales and ongoing saga of strategies I have employed to raise respectable young men.  This is the honest truth.  The good, the bad and the ugly.
These are the tales of my many parenting fails.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  These posts convey my surprises and revelations as I look back and wonder how they managed to grow up all in one piece and relatively unscathed.  As I grow older, I realize that I made many mistakes.  I am still learning what I should have done and hope that I still have a chance to do better.  And I have realized that my parents are actually pretty smart and I never gave them due credit.  Go figure.

As my children grow into young men, I pray that they will continue to grow in Christ and become God loving adults.  I pray they never stop learning and growing and that in spite of my many parenting fails, they will look back and realize how very much I love them.


Can you believe these nuts?  No they haven’t really been behind bars.  This was a display at the Tennessee Aquarium and I thought it was appropriate. 🙂

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