battle to lower my cholesterol and improve my health

Good News!

Good News!

I went to the doctor last month and my total cholesterol dropped 20 points! Wahoo! My HDL increased, LDL decreased, and my small LDL particles were nearly cut in half! I am thrilled. My regimen of walking and cutting back on carbohydrates has yielded some positive results. Now I am not completely off the hook. My labs show that I am still in the ‘high’ range with a total cholesterol of 228. And I did get lectured about taking my medications but once again I informed my doctor that I will not be taking statin drugs and I will continue to lower my cholesterol naturally. I have already dropped 20 points! I can do this!

Just how will I accomplish this?

Diet and Exercise. My goal was to get out and walk at least 5x weekly. I haven’t been very diligent about making that goal every week. But I have made improvements usually walking at least 3x per week. I will make it a priority to meet my goal and perhaps I will even aim to increase my pace or amount of inclines I go up to make my heart work a little harder.
Cutting back on carbohydrates and sugars has been a most difficult task. Truthfully, there are lots of improvements I can make here. I have a sweet tooth for breads. And I have tried to cut back but when the holidays came around, I just couldn’t resist. Fresh baked breads and goodies smelled so yummy. And it would have been rude not to sample the delicious treats that friends made especially for us. Ok, I really just couldn’t resist. Besides, there is just no low carb substitute for a yummy bread. I have tried many recipes and they are either too eggy or have too much cheese.

Bread, YUM…

Between the two, I have a preference for the cheesier bread and have found a Brazilian Cheese Bread that tastes really yummy. I would compare it to the cheese puffs you get at Rodizio Grill. It is that good. You can find the recipe at Olivia’s Cusine. Now before you say it, I know the recipe is not exactly low in carbs. But I wonder how it would taste with a coconut flour substitute? I will have to do some experimenting. I am still hunting for that delicious low carb bread.

Sugar, BAD…

Ironically, I just saw an article about how sugar affects your brain. UGH! This sounds horrible. Read the article What happens to your body and brain when you stop eating sugar. The more I read about sugars and carbohydrates, the more I realize how bad it is and I have got to cut them out of my diet. I am confident that I can make improvements. And I can lower my cholesterol naturally. I have gotten off to a good start and I am encouraged by the changes and results I have made thus far. These small changes are having visible impacts on my cholesterol scores. I know that I can make more changes and even greater improvements to my total cholesterol.  

Here’s to better health!

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