Eliminating those debilitating sinus headaches!


musings from the herbalist, series 1 – Common Complaints 

jo Peckinpaugh, family herbalist


I am NOT a doctor, nor do I give medical advice!  I am a family herbalist, and I share what I’ve found works for me and my family.   I encourage all to do their own research and to become their own PATIENT ADVOCATE.

Over a decade ago, I suffered with severe sinus headaches; my overall health was poor; I was in a high stress job and went from one doctor to another for answers.  Finally, after having one prescribe a habit forming narcotic to address the symptoms instead of the cause, I asked to be referred to an EENT specialist.

Something TOLD me this pain wasn’t due to a lack of pain killers…

That specialist said surgery was needed to clear out one of my sinus cavities..and that’s what I did.    I remember that follow up appointment like it was yesterday…it was painful! and the doctor said, as he was leaving the room, ‘you’ll be BACK.   Your pain was caused from fungus!’  

And in my head I’m screaming: ‘aint no way, bud! 

So I began to research…this was really the beginning of the path towards my herbalist certification.  I’d tried oral decongestants, especially those containing pseudoephedrine, but learned they can give you jitters and interfere with sleep, not to mention they can increase your blood pressure!  And PHOOEY on all those spray decongestants that can increase the swelling of your nasal passages!! 

So what’s a gal to do?  What could be causing a fungus overgrowth so severe it would be in my sinus cavity?? 

It was then that I learned about candida albicans…this pesky yeast that so many millions suffer with, yet few know how to eliminate.  (Rather, eradicate to a healthy level.)  I’d had issues myself, and rounds of yeast fighting meds only left my gut bacteria in far worse shape.  The candida would return with a vengeance, and sinus headaches became the least of my problems.

So I did what I’ve learned over the years is the FIRST STEP toward healing!  And that is to pray for answers…I believe God has given us a body that will heal itself if allowed.  This time was no exception…The information literally began hitting me like a firehose! 

Ever heard of the unglamorous ‘neti pot’?   Originally used in ancient India, this is little more than ‘washing out your pipes’!  Gotta admit, there was a certain ‘ICKIE’ response when I first learned of the procedure.  But I realized I’ve got to think of my body like the most expensive car there EVER WAS…if I’d spent hundreds of thousands on a fancy car, I’d keep the oil changed…I’d flush out the radiator!…and I’d put in the purest gas!!  Believe it or not, that analogy helped me overcome the ‘ickie’ challenge!   I’ve found this to be an easy — and immediate— solution. 

As soon as I feel a headache coming on,

I put ~1-2 tsps. of pure Himalayan salt in a glass cup, add about a cup of warmed, PURE water, perhaps add 1/2 tsp of baking soda.  Mix this until salt/soda dissolves; then pour in a neti pot (or in the easy plastic containers designed for this use), tilt your head and pour the solution into one nostril, then the other.  If you’re using the plastic version, be careful to let the solution flow naturally into your nasal passages…you don’t want to squeeze the bottle and force the solution in, especially if your passages are already inflamed.  Think about this as a good way to purge dirt and built up mucus out of nasal passageways, keeping them healthy from infections.  I’ve got a good video below that will give you a better idea of how it’s done. 

Know what else? 

Remember when your mother told you to keep your fingers OUT of your eyes, your nose, and your mouth?  There was a good reason for that! 

Also, I realized I had to stop feeding the candida yeast, so I cut way back on all sugar, grains, and flour products and tried to include more leafy green, non-starchy vegetables.  Bet you already knew that too, didn’t you?! 

Although I don’t take medications — other than a natural thyroid supplement — I DO take vitamins.  I regularly take curcumin to reduce inflammation, and add bioperine, which is black pepper extract, making the curcumin more bioavailable.  The best time for this is after a fatty meal. 

Additionally, I take NAC to reduce swelling in my nasal passages, quercetin, vitamin C and vitamin D3, AND in the rare circumstance that I have a cold, I also make up elderberry syrup (see receipe below).  This is great for sinus pain, to reduce inflammation and boost my immune system. 

There are links below for all the materials I normally use, PLUS I’ll include a recipe for the elderberry syrup.   But there are ALSO a couple of caveats:  you MUST make sure you’re using PURE water, never TAP WATER.  If that’s all you have, then boil it vigorously first, let it cool, then use it.  Clean water and a clean vessel is critical.  Secondly, if you are on medications, you need to check for any contraindications between vitamins/minerals you take versus the medications you’ve been prescribed.  Lastly, if the sinus headache doesn’t disappear immediately after using the neti pot (also called nasal lavage, btw), you might consider using silver hydrosol as a spray mist.  (This is also included in the links below.  I’ll do another blog on the AMAZING benefits of silver later.)  

Believe it or not, there are OTHER things I do as well. 

Did you know if you take a hot, hot shower, then switch to as cold as you can get it…no, I’m not kidding!..this will jumpstart your immune system.  There will be a marked increase in white blood cells when you do this!  You might find yourself letting out a primal scream when you switch to cold water HA HA 

I guess the point is, Be Proactive!  I’ve found that this personal hygiene practice is also really helpful after shaking hands with lots of folks, or when I’m around sick people, or when I’m traveling, etc.  We’re exposed to a vast number of allergens on a daily basis, and this is a ‘no brainer’ for me…I rarely EVER get sick now.  And JUST LIKE ANYTHING ELSE, don’t OVERDO this!


Until next time – Jo P

Neti Pots

Dr. Hana’s Nasopure

The “Nicer Neti Pot”

Natural Allergy Relief

Buffered Salt Blend

Sinus Congestion Relief for Sinusitis

Himalayan Chandra Neti Pot

Complete Sinus Cleansing System

Soothes dry nasal passages

Gently washes away dust, pollen, and irritants

Removes excess mucus naturally

How to use your neti pot!

Watch this YouTube video from the Dr. Oz Show on the benefits of and how to use the neti pot.

Himalayan Crystal Salt

The Spice Lab Pink Himalayan Salt – For centuries, Himalayan fine salt has been used as folk remedies for a variety of health issues – sea salt is known for its healing properties and is used by health professionals, spas and individuals who are interested in utilizing natural products to heal the body and relax the mind. Stimulating circulation, lowering blood pressure and removing toxins such as heavy metals from the body are just a few of the many benefits of Himalayan Pink salt. 

Soverign Silver Nasal Spray

Sovereign Silver is the premium selling silver supplement in North America for immune support*, trusted by millions for over 18 years for its unprecedented safety*, quality and efficacy*. Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol represents the ultimate refinement of the colloidal silver category. It contains more than 98% bio-active silver ions and silver nanoclusters, in pharmaceutical-grade purified water. 

For those of you not yet convinced:

Kids with allergies: In 2008, Nanjing Medical University conducted an independent study with 26 children suffering from allergic rhinitis, concluding that regular use of nasal irrigation led to a decreased use of topical steroids, “which will contribute to fewer side effects and less economic burden.” 

Adults with chronic nasal and sinus problems: An eight-week randomized clinical trial at the University of Michigan with 121 subjects in 2007 suggested that nasal irrigation was more effective than saline sprays.

Chronic rhinosinusitis: A statistical analysis of eight randomized controlled studies in the Cochrane database in 2007 suggested that nasal irrigation is beneficial as both a sole and an adjunct treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis, or inflammation of the sinuses.

I’d love to hear your comments, and if you decide to try this, please share your results!  

Elderberry syrup recipe for the instant pot

(Special thank you to Laura at awefilledhomemaker.com)


  • 1.5 cups elderberries
  • 1 cup raw honey
  • 1 tbsp. cloves
  • 1 tbsp. ginger
  • 1tsp. lemon zest
  • 6-8 mint leaves, optional
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 cinnamon stick



Combine all ingredients except the honey in your instant pot.  Lock the lid into place and seal the pressure valve.  Using manual, cook the ingredients for 7 minutes on high pressure.  When done, use the quick release method.

Remove the lid and set your instant pot to sauté.  Let the syrup simmer in the IP for 15 minutes or until the liquid is reduced by half.

Jump over to Laura’s site to watch a cool video where she shows how to make the Elderberry Syrup plus how to make kid friendly Elderberry Syrup Gummies!  Yum!

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